Theme and Sub Themes

Main themes of the conference:
Conservation of Natural Resources and Biodiversity for Sustainable Development


Sub themes

  1. Natural resources: Soil, Water, Forest etc. and It’s conservation
  2. Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability
  3. Population and burden on natural resources
  4. Natural resources and Pollution
  5. Ecosystem: threats and protection
  6. Need of Sustainable Development in India
  7. Biodegradation and Bioremediation for Conservation
  8. Global warming and Climate Change
  9. Land management and Forestry
  10. Different methods for conservation of endangered species
  11. Sustainable Agriculture and it’s Development
  12. Biotechnology and genetic engineering
  13. Waste management and rain water harvesting
  14. Integrated Pest Management and Integrated Nutrient Management
  15. Plant physiology, pathology, cytogenetic, taxonomy, ethanobotany etc.
  16. Aquaculture, Sericulture, ornithology, zoography, anatomy etc.
  17. Microbiology, Behavioural ecology, ethology, geology etc.
  18. Environmental Policy, Auditing and Risk Assessment
  19. Green production and ecotourism
  20. Advances in applied sciences and environmental engineering
  21. Food security and rural development
  22. Commerce and Economics for Sustainable Development
  23. Pharmacy and medicine
  24. All allied themes



Department of Botany,
Nya. Tatyasaheb Athalye Arts,
Ved. S. R. Sapre Commerce and
Vid. Dadasaheb Pitre Science College
Devrukh 415804, Dist- Ratnagiri
Maharashtra, India

Telephone: (02354) 240058
Fax: (02354) 241058