How to reach:

A.S.P. College Devrukh is 18 km far from Sangameshwar railway station and 35 km from Ratnagiri railway station (Konkan Railway, parallel to Mumbai-Goa National Highway (NH 17). Approximate distances from Metropolitian cities Mumbai 330 km, Kolapur 97 km and Pune 250 km. Mumbai and Goa are nearest airports.


Nearby Tourist places to visit

Ganapatipule, Marleshwar waterfall, Ratnadurg, Aare ware beach, Pawas, Dervan, Karneshwar, Machal, Nanij Dham etc.


Department of Botany,
Nya. Tatyasaheb Athalye Arts,
Ved. S. R. Sapre Commerce and
Vid. Dadasaheb Pitre Science College
Devrukh 415804, Dist- Ratnagiri
Maharashtra, India

Telephone: (02354) 240058
Fax: (02354) 241058